this page is outdated and needs to be fixed
'''Съдържание''' (up to the 2nd level) <<TableOfContents(2)>>
Contents (up to the 2nd level)
допълнителна информация: HelpOnHeadlines
= заглавие от 1во ниво = == заглавие от 2ро ниво == === заглавие от 3то ниво === ==== заглавие от 4то ниво ==== ===== заглавие от 5то ниво =====
заглавие от 1во ниво
заглавие от 2ро ниво
заглавие от 3то ниво
заглавие от 4то ниво
заглавие от 5то ниво
Форматиране на текст
допълнителна информация: HelpOnFormatting
* ''emphasized (italics)'' * '''boldface''' * '''''bold italics''''' * `monospace` * {{{source code}}} * __underline__ * ,,sub,,script * ^super^script * ~-smaller-~ * ~+larger+~ * --(strike through)--
emphasized (italics)
bold italics
- `monospace`
source code
strike through
допълнителна информация': HelpOnLinking
Вътрешни връзки
* FrontPage * ["FrontPage"] * HelpOnEditing/SubPages * /SubPage * ../SiblingPage * [:FrontPage:named link] * [#anchorname] * [#anchorname description] * [wiki:Self:PageName#anchorname] * [wiki:Self:PageName#anchorname description] * attachment:filename.txt
[:FrontPage:named link]
- #anchorname
- [#anchorname description]
- attachment:filename.txt
Външни връзки
* * [] * [ MoinMoin Wiki] * [] * * [ moinmoin.png] * MeatBall:InterWiki * wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki] * [wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki InterWiki page on MeatBall] * [file://///servername/share/full/path/to/file/filename%20with%20spaces.txt link to file filename with spaces.txt] *
[ moinmoin.png]
[wiki:InterWiki wiki:MeatBall/InterWiki]
[file://///servername/share/full/path/to/file/filename%20with%20spaces.txt link to file filename with spaces.txt]
Избягване или ограничаване на автоматичното свързване
* Wiki''''''Name * Wiki``Name * !WikiName * WikiName''''''s * WikiName``s * ``
- Wiki``Name
Текстови блокове и отмествания
indented text text indented to the 2nd level
- indented text
- text indented to the 2nd level
допълнителна информация: HelpOnLists
Неподредени списъци
* item 1 * item 2 (preceding white space) * item 2.1 * item 2.1.1 * item 3 . item 3.1 (bulletless) . item 4 (bulletless) * item 4.1 . item 4.1.1 (bulletless)
- item 1
- item 2 (preceding white space)
- item 2.1
- item 2.1.1
- item 2.1
- item 3
- item 3.1 (bulletless)
- item 4 (bulletless)
- item 4.1
- item 4.1.1 (bulletless)
- item 4.1
Подредени списъци
с числа
1. item 1 1. item 1.1 1. item 1.2 1. item 2
- item 1
- item 1.1
- item 1.2
- item 2
с римски числа
I. item 1 i. item 1.1 i. item 1.2 I. item 2
- item 1
- item 1.1
- item 1.2
- item 2
с букви
A. item A a. item A. a) a. item A. b) A. item B
- item A
- item A. a)
- item A. b)
- item B
Списък с дефиниции
термин:: дефиниция обект:: описание 1 :: описание 2 артикули:: :: първи артикул :: втори артикул
- термин
- дефиниция
- обект
- описание 1
- описание 2
- артикули
- :: първи атрикул
- втори артикул
Хоризонтални линии
допълнителна информация: HelpOnRules
допълнителна информация': HelpOnTables
||'''A'''||'''B'''||'''C'''|| ||1 ||2 ||3 ||
A |
B |
C |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Ширина на клетка
||минимална ширина ||<99%>максимална ширина ||
минимална ширина |
максимална ширина |
Разпростиращи се редове и колони
||<|2> cell spanning 2 rows ||cell in the 2nd column || ||cell in the 2nd column of the 2nd row || ||<-2> cell spanning 2 columns || ||||use empty cells as a shorthand ||
cell spanning 2 rows |
cell in the 2nd column |
cell in the 2nd column of the 2nd row |
cell spanning 2 columns |
use empty cells as a shorthand |
Подравняване на съдържанието в клетката
||<^|3> top (combined) ||<:99%> center (combined) ||<v|3> bottom (combined) || ||<)> right || ||<(> left ||
top (combined) |
center (combined) |
bottom (combined) |
right |
left |
Оцветяване на клетки от таблицата
||<#0000FF> blue ||<#00FF00> green ||<#FF0000> red || ||<#00FFFF> cyan ||<#FF00FF> magenta ||<#FFFF00> yellow ||
blue |
green |
red |
cyan |
magenta |
yellow |
HTML опции за таблици
||A ||<rowspan="2"> like <|2> || ||<bgcolor="#00FF00"> like <#00FF00> || ||<colspan="2"> like <-2>||
A |
like <|2> |
like <#00FF00> |
like <-2> |
Макроси и променливи
допълнителна информация': HelpOnMacros
`` inserts a link anchor `anchorname`
` inserts a hard line break`1` inserts a footnote saying `Note`
This macro includes the formatted content of the given local wiki page(s), following recursive includes if encountered. If the recursion generates any cycles, this is detected and prevented!
<<Include(pagename, heading, level, from="regex", to="regex", sort=ascending|descending, items=n, skipitems=n, titlesonly, editlink)>>
- pagename
- Name of the page to include, if it starts with a caret "`^`", a regex of pages to include.
- heading
- Text for the generated heading which will link to the included page (optional).
- level
- Level (1..5) of the generated heading (optional).
- from
- Partial include start marker (optional).
- to
- Partial include end marker (optional).
- sort
- Sorting order when pagename is a regex, i.e. starts with a caret (optional).
- items
- Maximum number of pages to include.
- skipitems
- Number of initial pages to skip over (optional).
- titlesonly
- Only include a link to the page, not page content (optional).
- editlink
- add a footer with links to the included page, both normal and edit (optional).
All parameters except pagename are optional, but you have to follow the given order! Leave the second and third parameters empty if the heading is not wanted and keyword parameters are specified.
`from` and `to` recognise the pattern in comments as well. So watch out for comments that stop the include unexpectedly.
Include the text of page `FooBar` in the current paragraph:
- Add a linked H1 of 'Foo Bar' followed by the text:
<<Include(FooBar,"Foo Bar" )>>
- Add a H2 of 'All about Foo Bar':
<<Include(FooBar, 'All about Foo Bar', 2)>>
- Only include content after first horizontal rule:
<<Include(FooBar, , from="^----$")>>
- Only include content until first horizontal rule:
<<Include(FooBar, , to="^----$")>>
- Sort the page list in descending order:
<<Include(^FooBar/.*, , sort=descending)>>
- Include a maximum of three pages:
<<Include(^FooBar/.*, , items=3)>>
- Show at most a week of a blog:
<<Include(^BlogBase/.*,, to="^----$", sort=descending, items=7)>>
- Show the previous week with titles only:
<<Include(^BlogBase/.*,, to="^----$", sort=descending, items=7, skipitems=7, titlesonly)>>
You can use these with ../MonthCalendar for blogging:
- Show 3 items out of a month calendar:
- Show next 4 items only with titles:
- Show 3 items out of a month calendar:
`<user AT example DOT com>` obfuscates the email address `` to users not logged in
допълнителна информация': HelpOnVariables
`@SIG@` inserts your login name and timestamp of modification
`@TIME@` inserts date and time of modification
Емотикони и икони
допълнителна информация': HelpOnSmileys
Сорс код
допълнителна информация': HelpOnParsers
Дословно показване
{ { { def hello(): print "Hello World!" } } }
Remove spaces between "`{ { {`" and "`} } }`".
def hello(): print "Hello World!"
Синтактично подчертаване
{ { {#!python def hello(): print "Hello World!" } } }
Remove spaces between "`{ { {`" and "`} } }`".
Note (1)