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Editor: Kurgan
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## page was renamed from NIST HashSets

Download degli hash set NIST NSRL

Qui si trovano gli hash set in vari formati precompilati, fra i quali quelli di Encase 6

Script per manipolare gli hash set

Riferimento: http://blogs.sans.org/computer-forensics/2010/02/22/extracting-known-bad-hashset-from-nsrl/

Questo script separa i vari hash contenuti negli hashset in diversi files contenenti gli hash set per la roba "buona" e quella "cattiva".

Uso: nsrlext.pl -n c:\nsrl\RDA_225_A\NSRLFile.txt,c:\nsrl\RDA_225_B\NSRLFile.txt -p c:\nsrl\RDA_225_A\NSRLProd.txt,c:\nsrl\RDA_225_B\NSRLProd.txt -b NSRLBad.txt -g NSRLGood.txt

# Extracts known good and known bad hashsets from NSRL
# uso: nsrlext.pl -n <nsrl files comma separated> -p <nsrl prod files comma separated> -g <known good txt> -b <known bad txt> [-h]
# -n :nsrl files comma separated. Ex: -n c:nsrlRDA_225_ANSRLFile.txt,c:nsrlRDA_225_BNSRLFile.txt
# -p :nsrl prod files comma separated. Ex: -p c:nsrlRDA_225_ANSRLProd.txt,c:nsrlRDA_225_BNSRLProd.txt
# -g :known good txt filename. Ex: -g good.txt
# -b :known bad txt filename. Ex: -b bad.txt
# -h :help
use Getopt::Std;

my $ver="0.1";

%args = ( );
getopts("hn:p:g:b:", %args);

if ($args{h}) {
    print <<DETALHE ;
    uso: nsrlext.pl -n nsrl_files_comma_separated -p nsrl_prod_files_comma_separated [-g known_good_txt] [-b known_bad_txt] [-h]

    -n :nsrl files comma separated. Ex: -n c:\nsrl\RDA_225_A\NSRLFile.txt,c:\nsrl\RDA_225_B\NSRLFile.txt
    -p :nsrl prod files comma separated. Ex: -p c:\nsrl\RDA_225_A\NSRLProd.txt,c:\nsrl\RDA_225_B\NSRLProd.txt
    -g :known good txt filename. Ex: -g good.txt
    -b :known bad txt filename. Ex: -b bad.txt
    -h :help


die "Enter the NSRL hashset file list (comma delimited)n" unless ($args{n});
die "Enter the NSRL product file list (comma delimited)n" unless ($args{p});

die "Enter known good and/or known bad output filenamesn" unless (($args{g}) || ($args{b}));

my %hack;


#Prod files
my @prod = split(/,/, $args{p});

foreach $item (@prod) {
    open(PRODUCT, "< $item");

    while (<PRODUCT>) {
        my @line = split(/,/, $_);

        #create a hash of hacker tool codes
        $hack{$line[0]} = $item if ($line[6] =~ /Hacker Tool/);


#hashset files
my @hset = split(/,/, $args{n});

open(BAD, "> $args{b}") if ($args{b});

open(GOOD, "> $args{g}") if ($args{g});

my $i=0;

foreach $item (@hset) {
    open(NSRL, "< $item");

    while (<NSRL>) {

        #stdout feedback
        print ">" if (($i % 10000) == 0);

        my @line = split(/,/, $_);

        if ($hack{$line[5]}) {
            #is a hacker tool
            print BAD $_ if ($args{b});
        else {
            print GOOD $_ if ($args{g});



    print "nDone !n";

    close(BAD)  if ($args{b});
    close(GOOD) if ($args{g});

### Sub rotinas  ####

sub cabecalho {
    print <<CABEC;

    nsrlext.pl v$ver
    Extracts known good and known bad hashsets from NSRL
    Tony Rodrigues
    dartagnham at gmail dot com




Forensics/NIST HashSets (last edited 2010-05-17 14:10:47 by Kurgan)