「操作」是作用在單一頁面或整個網站的功能。它不像巨集,會在你瀏覽頁面時產生新的資料。它只處理頁面的內容, 例如:編輯、搜尋、刪除、重新命名或以不同格式顯示等。
除了系統內建的操作外,你也可以自己設計新的操作來增加系統的功能。詳情請參考 HelpForDevelopers。
以下的操作被加進使用者自訂的擴充操作之中,你可以在頁面底部或 更多功能 選單上看到。它們都以混合大小寫的字串來命名,而全小寫的擴充操作在這之後會介紹。( 你的網站不一定會提供所有的操作)
`AttachFile`:附加檔案到頁面上,詳情請參考 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
- 未登入,不能執行此項操作
- 未登入,不能執行此項操作
近似是指名稱的頭或尾是相同的 WikiWord
`SpellCheck`:對本頁的內容執行拼字檢查,詳情請參考 HelpOnSpellCheck
The following is a list of internal actions that are used to implement the various icons and links at the top and bottom of pages, or supplement certain macros.
`titleindex`:Implements the listing of all page names as text (append `?acThe following is a list of internal actions that are used to implement the various icons and links at the top and bottom of pages, or supplement certain macros.
`titleindex`: Implements the listing of all page names as text (append `?action=titleindex` to your wiki address) or XML (`?action=titleindex&mimetype=text/xml`); the main use of this action is to enable MetaWiki.
`fullsearch`: this action is triggered by clicking on the "Search Text" button of the `FullSearch` macro (`?action=fullsearch&value=HelpOnActions`).
`titlesearch`: this action is triggered by clicking on the "Search Titles" button of the `TitleSearch` macro (`?action=titlesearch&value=HelpOnActions`).
- `inlinesearch`: this implements the inline search for the form fields at the bottom of each page (note that this uses POST requests, so you won't normally see this action in URLs).
- `highlight`: highlight the search word when you click on a link in a search result list.
- `diff`: display differences between page revisions.
- `info`: show meta-data on a page.
- `recall`: display an older revision of a page.
- `show`: display a page (the default action).
- `refresh`: refresh the cached version of a page (currently only used on XSLT-formatted pages).
- `print`: show the print-view of a page, which omits the navigational items from the display view.
- `edit`: edit this page.
- `savepage`: save this page (do not ever use this manually).
- `subscribe`: subscribe to a page.
- `userform`: save user preferences.
`bookmark`: set bookmark for RecentChanges.
`raw`: send the raw wiki markup as text/plain (e.g. for backup purposes via wget); `SystemInfo?action=raw` will show the markup of SystemInfo.
- `format`: emit specially formatted views of a page. Parameter `mimetype` specifies the wanted mime-type.
You can use it to generate DocBook markup from your pages. Just append `?action=format&mimetype=xml/docbook` to the address. Note that you need to install PyXML to use it.
`rss_rc`: generate a RSS feed of RecentChanges.
- `chart`: display charts.
`export`: export the wiki content. [experimental]
`content`: for transclusion into static web pages, this action emits the pure page content, without any <html>, <head>, or <body> tags.
`links`: generates a list of all pages and the links on them, just like LinkDatabase.
`xmlrpc`: Wiki XML-RPC interface, see XmlRpcToWiki.
- `revert`: revert to an older version of the page.